Brain Training Neurofeedback Therapy

Licensed Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Therapists in Dallas - Fort Worth, Texas

(972) 640-7022

Decrease symptoms related to many neurological conditions.

Neurofeedback is a safe and effective way to reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, ADHD, autism, chronic pain, and other mental or physical health issues. Neurofeedback uses biofeedback to teach the brain to produce healthier neural patterns of functioning. This non-invasive and drug-free approach utilizes advanced brain imaging technology to monitor brainwave activity, allowing for the identification of unhealthy patterns. Once these irregularities are pinpointed, guided audio and visual feedback are used to assist individuals in self-regulating and optimizing their brain function.

Begin living the life you want to live.

Stop suffering and start living.

Reduce stress and improve your mental health.

Brain Training & Brain Health Performance Centers in Dallas, Fort Worth

Read our news and resource blog with tips and information on how neurofeedback helps to decrease symptoms related to many neurological conditions. Join our Brain Health eNewsletter!

  • "I suffered from debilitating anxiety for many years and thanks to Neurofeedback my anxiety is gone! I will forever be grateful to Sandra and her team for the gift of Neurofeedback. They truly care about your well-being. Thank you!"


  • "Nuerofeedback has been so helpful for us. Brain Train has eased anxiety and helped in so many other ways. We’re thankful for Brain Train Frisco and their staff. A wonderful non-invasive option and solution for anxiety, ADHD, and other diagnosis."


  • "My anxiety has greatly reduced and I see improvements in many areas of my life. I'm so happy with the results of these non-invasive protocols that I have since sent multiple family members and friends to the center, as well."
