Therapy for Negative Moods

Addressing Anxiety and Negative Moods with Neurofeedback Therapy

At Brain Train Centers in Dallas, individuals living with anxiety and negative moods find solace in the transformative power of neurofeedback therapy. A staggering 19 million adults experience the weight of negative moods, manifesting as feelings of overwhelm, fatigue, sadness, isolation, fogginess, and disconnection. Keck Imaging Labs at the University of Wisconsin's research has illuminated that individuals with negative moods often exhibit reduced activity in the left side of the brain, responsible for fostering positive moods. Abnormal brainwave patterns contribute to the persistence of these negative moods, accentuating the need for intervention.

Neurofeedback therapy offers a drug-free and non-invasive approach to tackling negative moods. Expert neurofeedback trainers at Brain Train Centers employ a targeted strategy by placing electrodes on the scalp over each side of the brain. Through guided training sessions, individuals learn to increase alpha brain waves on the right side while decreasing them on the left. As the left side of the brain becomes more active, positive mood engagement is restored. Over the course of neurofeedback sessions, abnormal brainwave activity diminishes, paving the way for improved brainwave patterns. This approach not only enhances brain function but also uplifts mood, ultimately optimizing outcomes for individuals seeking relief from anxiety and negative moods.