Nurturing Young Minds with Neurofeedback Therapy

In the complex stage of childhood, some aspects can greatly affect a child's mental well-being when disrupted.

Night terrors, impulsivity, attention issues, and anxiety are challenges that many parents grapple with, watching their children navigate a complex world. At Brain Train Centers, with locations in Dallas, Denton, Frisco, and Prosper Texas, we understand the profound impact these issues can have on both children and their families.

Neurofeedback therapy is a non-invasive approach that has shown remarkable success in helping children overcome night terrors, impulsivity, attention issues, and anxiety.


EEG Biofeedback & Neurofeedback Training

Neurofeedback therapy, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a therapeutic intervention that focuses on regulating brain function. By measuring and analyzing the brain's electrical activity, this non-invasive treatment aims to empower individuals, in this case, children, to gain control over their cognitive processes. The goal is to identify and address specific neurological imbalances that contribute to challenges such as night terrors, impulsivity, attention issues, and anxiety.

Qeeg evaluation

Amazing Client Results

A 6 year old male was experiencing night terrors, impulsively, attention issues, and anxiety.

Top image: Map 1 - 09/09/23
Bottom image: Map 3 - 01/06/24

Clearing white matter inflammation and that yellow in delta made ALL the difference for him. They were super consistent- they came 2-3 times per week from September through December. No more night terrors or anxiety with drastic improvement with impulsiveness and attention.

I could not be more happy for them, more proud of this little boy, and couldn’t be more fired up to share neurofeedback with everyone. This works, and the proof is in the maps!
— Sandra Hooper-Murcott

Relief from Night Terrors

Night terrors are more than just bad dreams; they are intense episodes of fear and panic during sleep that can be distressing for both children and parents. Neurofeedback therapy offers a unique avenue to delve into the neurological underpinnings of night terrors.

At Brain Train Centers, our approach involves personalized neurofeedback sessions to regulate and rebalance the child's brainwave patterns. By targeting specific areas related to sleep and emotional regulation, we aim to reduce the frequency and intensity of night terrors, providing children with the tranquility they need for restorative sleep.

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Nurturing Self-Control and Impulsivity

Impulsivity in children can manifest as hasty decisions, lack of self-control, and challenges in social interactions. Neurofeedback therapy takes a targeted approach, honing in on the brain's executive functions responsible for impulse control.

Through guided neurofeedback sessions, Brain Train Centers work to reinforce positive brainwave patterns. This process helps children develop better self-regulation skills, make thoughtful decisions, and navigate social situations more effectively. The personalized nature of neurofeedback ensures that interventions are tailored to address the unique needs of each child dealing with impulsivity.

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Attention and Focusing Issues

In a world brimming with stimuli, attention issues can hinder a child's academic performance and social interactions. Neurofeedback therapy at Brain Train Centers specifically targets the brain's attentional networks, assisting children in improving their concentration and focus.

Neurofeedback sessions guide children to modulate their brainwave patterns associated with attention. This personalized training empowers them to better navigate the demands of school and other activities, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence as they excel in their endeavors.


Childhood Anxiety

Childhood anxiety, whether generalized, social, or separation anxiety, can be overwhelming. Neurofeedback therapy provides a nuanced and individualized approach to addressing the neurological imbalances contributing to anxiety.

By guiding the child's brain towards more balanced patterns, neurofeedback helps reduce excessive reactivity and hyperarousal associated with anxiety. This not only alleviates immediate symptoms but equips children with long-term coping mechanisms, promoting emotional resilience and a more positive outlook on life.

undergoing treatment

Brain Train Centers in Dallas, Denton, Frisco, and Prosper, Texas

What sets Brain Train Centers apart is our commitment to providing personalized and comprehensive neurofeedback therapy for children. Our experienced and trained professionals collaborate closely with parents to understand each child's unique challenges and tailor neurofeedback sessions accordingly.

The centers in Dallas, Denton, Frisco, and Prosper provide a warm and supportive environment where children can feel comfortable and encouraged throughout their neurofeedback journey. Our process begins with a thorough assessment to pinpoint specific areas of concern, allowing for a targeted and effective neurofeedback protocol.

Parents play a crucial role in their child's neurofeedback therapy journey, receiving guidance on how to support their child's progress at home. This collaborative approach ensures that the benefits of neurofeedback extend beyond the therapy sessions, creating a positive and empowering experience for both children and their families.


Neurofeedback therapy is not just a treatment; it's a transformative journey that empowers children to overcome obstacles and flourish.

As parents, educators, and caregivers, it is our collective responsibility to explore innovative and effective solutions for the well-being of our children. Brain Train Centers, with their expertise in neurofeedback therapy, provide a path toward brighter and more resilient futures for children facing neurological challenges. Embracing the transformative potential of neurofeedback therapy is not just an investment in the present but a gift of lasting impact on the future mental health and success of our children.


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