Brain Train Client Testimonial

Brain Train Southlake/Grapevine Client Testimonial

“My son’s journey with ADHD and learning disabilities led us down a path of multiple medications, each with its own challenges. Stimulants were the norm, but seeing him struggle with appetite and that distant stare broke my heart. So, I turned to research for natural solutions and discovered neurofeedback.

No meds, just empowering him to ‘learn’ control over his ADHD. Week after week, we witnessed incredible progress. With neurofeedback, he learned to stay on task, handle distractions, and truly harness his potential. It wasn’t just therapy; it was a game-changer.

Today, my son is a thriving college student, no longer dependent on meds. He utilizes his accommodations but lives a life free from unnecessary medication. Neurofeedback worked wonders for us, and I urge every parent to explore it. Why medicate when they can learn to control their brain and excel naturally?

Join me in believing in the power of neurofeedback. Let’s empower our kids to succeed without altering who they are.”

Christy Spiegel McNew